Liberator B24D "LADY IRENE" caduto il 4 ottobre 1944, mistero sulla missione OSS/ORI dopo 75 anni

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view post Posted on 18/7/2019, 22:06 by: kanister



Risvegli lontani ricordi: č dal 2015 che non sento parlare del Lady Irene.
Ecco quanto ho in archivio:

... a plane, believed to be a C-47 but later identified as a B-24, has been found in the italian Alps 35 kms north of Bergamo, northern italy.
Mixed with other plane parts used to compare the pieces (as the drop tank and the C-47 engine) here are some pics of the wreck: Nothe the olive drab paint on the wing and the star without bar.
I think it was an early version B-24, the plane hit the mount Pezzadello in an undefined date of october 1944, around 17:00 pm.
The plane was loaded with drop canisters, SMG, ammunition, canned beef and a lot of italian lire money. The few witness remember at least 12/14 bodyes found around the crash site, some of these have an Italian-american name (may be OSS agents?). Looking information about the special operations groups losses, i have found this information:

date 4.10.44 - B24 s.n. 42-40697 - 885 BS, 2641st Spl Gp USAAF - Lt Sloan, Pilot - Northern Italy a/c crashed Northern Italy - Crew & 3 agents killed

from B-24 Bestweb: "697" B - 24 D - 85 - CO 42-40697 8 389 564 ~ K LADY IRENE ?? MACR 9444 crash-landed on 12 Jul 43 in Sicily after being damaged over the target (Reggio, Italy) and was transferred to MTO 2641st Spl Gp 885th BS(H) Spec Ops
The complete pilot's name is: Captain Charles R. Sloan, from Dubuque - IOWA

The B-24 "Lady Irenne", at the time of his losse in Italy (Sutton'crew), belonged only at the 885th Squadron Special.
The 2641st Provisional group (heavy), was not exisiting at this precise time, because his birth will see only the day at the end of Jannuary 1945, one time that the Carpett-bagger' 859th Sq. from England (8th USAAF, 492nd BG) join the 885th in Italy.
The 885th Sq. Special (H) was only under the HQ of the 15th USAAF. No group, no wing.
One time the 2641st PG existing, is still under the Col. Monroe Mc. Closkey that it will be commanding.

In altro elenco di aerei persi durante i rifornimenti ai partigiani trovo la conferma dell'equipaggio che elenchi, pur con piccole differnze nei cognomi.
Solo un paio di dubbi: intanto l'attribuzione all'ORI dell'agente deceduto, in quanto non mi compare nell'elenco dei caduti dell'ORI.
Poi, ma questo č un mio pensiero, visto che la sezione italiana dell'OSS era composta in massima parte da emigrati italiani, la probabilitą che
i tre agenti sconosciuti fossero militari statunitensi e non italiani. Oltrettutto sarebbero tutti sepolti negli Stati Uniti.

Vedo se riesco a rintracciare qualcosa d'altro.
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